Thursday, July 29, 2004

No More Ads in Gmail!mozilla pagerank

Yep, it can be done with Firefox. No bookmarklets though; I've found that the interaction between frames and Javascript generated content is not very nice.
As I haven't found in the program policies nor in the terms of use that it is forbidden to hide the ads, I'll share with you. You only need to add the following line to your userContent.css file:
#ad { display:none !important}
And voilĂ !

Update: well, it seems I'm late again. Asa had pointed out a better solution almost four months ago.

table[class="metatable"]{display: none !important;}
and ims (in a comment below, thanks!) pointed out an even better solution using URIid
body#gmail-google-com table[class="metatable"] {display:none !important;}
Update 2: Phillip left a better solution:
body#gmail-google-com div[id="ad"] {
display:none !important; }
/* increase the width of the msg area
so it covers where the ads were */
body#gmail-google-com div[id="ch"] + div {
margin-right: 5px !important; }


  1. Install the URIid extension and you can do #ad {display:none !important} if simply killing any element with an id of #ad interferes with other sites. Personally I've been using body#gmail-google-com table[class="metatable"] {display:none !important;} for ages since Asa pointed it out.

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    body#gmail-google-com div[id="ad"] { display:none !important; }

    /* increase the width of the msg area so it covers where the ads were */
    body#gmail-google-com div[id="ch"] + div {
    margin-right: 5px !important;


  3. That has been my point as well. Google bombards us with ads even in the mailbox. That is going too much.
